10 februari 2010

Vote PvdA on march 3th

Amsterdam is a great city and I’d like to keep it that way. PvdA Amsterdam (Labour) wants to work with all inhabitants of Amsterdam to make sure our city becomes more fair and remains safe.

I’m committed to fair sharing. We will not burden our children nor those in need with the bill of our present financial crisis. Schools that perform poorly should improve or will simply be closed. And we will help neighborhoods with coaches to protect our streets or aid families at home. We will create jobs.

I’m committed to a safe city, where you have the freedom to be yourself. In the Amsterdam I live in, anti-social behaviour and discrimination will not be tolerated; the trafficking of women for prostitution at the red-light district has to end and dodgy taxis will be taken off the road.

Sign up for a fairer and safer Amsterdam, for working together to make this city even stronger.

Vote PvdA (list 1) on march 3th!

Lodewijk Asscher

Leader PvdA Amsterdam (Labour)