10 februari 2010

Go out and vote!

The local faction of the PvdA wants to promote awareness among internationals that most of them are eligible to vote for the municipal and district councils In Amsterdam. Many foreign nationals do not realize that they have the right to vote in municipal and district elections.

Who can vote?

  • Dutch citizens, residing in Amsterdam who are over 18
  • Nationals of EU-member states, residing in Amsterdam who are over 18
  • Nationals of non-EU member states, residing in Amsterdam who are over 18 and who have legally resided in The Netherlands for five consecutive years

Vote for what?
Every four years the 45 members who make up the city council are elected by the people of
Amsterdam. The city council then appoints, based on the number of representatives elected from each party, the aldermen, or deputy mayors, who make up the municipal executive.
City council meetings are public and a variety of issues are decided, including the city’s budget.

When you vote in city council and district elections in Amsterdam you are asked to vote for just one candidate, though your vote will be counted in two ways: once for the political party your candidate represents and once for the candidate him- or herself. In other words, if the political party puts five candidates on the ballot and you vote for candidate A, but candidate B actually gets more votes in that party, your vote will count for the political party (thus allowing them more council members), meaning your candidate will not necessarily be appointed to the council.

How to vote?
Early next year all eligible voters will receive a letter and a personal stempas – or voting pass – attached. You will not be allowed to vote without your stempas and damaged passes will not be accepted, so keep it in a safe place (though replacement passes can be obtained on the spot from local municipal offices upon presentation of valid ID). On 3 March, 2010 voters can choose from any of the many polling stations across the city to cast their vote.

Information or help
Further information can be obtained at Kiesraad or call us on 020-5523477

Campaigning and volunteering?
Want to help the Social Democratic Party? Contact Brahim Abid